How to prepare your furniture for painting – Colour Me KT

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How to prepare your furniture for painting

Hello friends!

Sometimes it can seem like a consuming job having to prep your furniture for painting, but when you understand the benefits it holds, and see the results it achieves, then you’ll know it’s well worth your time.

Here’s my quick overview on exactly how to prep, sand and prime your furniture.



Back to basics - Prep! #KatiesTopTips

Posted by Colour Me KT on Saturday, 19 January 2019



To ensure that you get that professional-looking finish to your furniture (that is going to last!), here are the guidelines you need to follow:


The most important step!

Clean with trisodium phosphate (TSP), it’s very important to clean before sanding. This is because we want to remove any dirt from the piece of furniture. If you sand before your clean, the friction of sanding will reactivate all those oils and will push them back into the wood – this will then cause a resist when you go to paint.

I always use Fusion Mineral Paint TSP. You only need to mix two capfuls into 1 litre of water.  I like to mix mine together in a spray bottle to spray directly onto the furniture,  as well as onto the cloth that I am using to clean with.

If you don’t want to use a cloth, applicator pads are also very effective, and results are instantly visible when using a white pad.

Be mindful of inspecting your furniture during this stage, it will help you in the long run if you spot cracks and gaps that need mending now before you waste a coat of paint!


Using a 220-grit sand paper, sand the surface of your furniture. Remember, you do not need to sand the furniture back to bare wood or remove the existing paint. Simply go over every surface, making sure its dull and ready for paint!


Products used

To prepare my furniture I use the following products, available in store: